Thursday, December 16, 2010

Asia South Asia review of the year 2010


South Asia review of the year 2010

2010 was a reality check year for South Asia, of hopes dashed by events and truths starkly laid out in diplomatic cables, courtesy of the whistleblowers’ site WikiLeaks.

Those who hoped the end of Sri Lanka’s long civil war with the 2009 defeat of the Tamil Tigers might lead to reconciliation, were disappointed. India’s dreams of showcasing its economic rise during the Commonwealth Games ended in national shame. Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections brought further allegations of ballot-rigging and corruption, while several WikiLeaks disclosures revealed that America regards Afghan president as weak, his government corrupt, and their Pakistan allies wedded to Taliban militants and Islamic terrorists.
The only positive story in the region was in India, where all leaders of the five permanent members of the Security Council, including David Cameron and President Obama, visited New Delhi and backed its claim to be a new world power.
• The year began with a marked escalation in unmanned drone attackson Taliban and al-Qaeda safe havens in Pakistan’s militant controlled North Waziristan. The attacks were in retaliation for a Taliban suicide bombing at a secret CIA base in Afghanistan which killed seven American intelligence agents.
• Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapaksa followed his election defeat of his former army chief General Sarath Fonseka by having him beaten and arrested on suspicion of plotting a coup. The unexpected scale of his victory brought claims of electoral fraud.
• Terrorism returned to India for the first time since the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Eight visitors to a spiritual centre in Pune, Maharashtra, werekilled in an explosion at a nearby German Bakery. It is believed the attack was carried out by al-Qaeda’s regional chief Ilyas Kashmiri.
• The Afghan Taliban appeared to suffer a serious setback when leader Mullah Omar’s deputy, Mullah Baradar, was seized in Karachi along with several other members of the movement’s leadership council, the Quetta Shura. Baradar had been in charge of countering President Obama’s ‘surge.’
• In May, Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the ony surviving member of the ten-man terrorist commando team which killed 166 in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, was described as a "killing machine" and sentenced to death. Kesab and an accomplice had killed 72 people between them.
• The head of the West’s war on the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal was sacked by President Obama after he criticised him, the US ambassador to Kabul and the president’s special envoy Richard Holbrooke in an unguarded interview with Rolling Stone magazine. Gen. McChrystal claimed Obama was intimidated by senior officers.
• Pakistan suffered its worst ever air disaster in July when a flight from Karachi crashed in fog just outside the capital Islamabad killing 152.28 Jul 2010
• India says Pakistan’s ISI intelligence agency played a key role in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Its Home Secretary revealed terrorist suspect David Headley had revealed he had carried out reconnaissance work for the attack with support from Pakistani military figures.
• The ‘historic’ Kabul Conference confirmed plans for Western forces to gradually hand over to Afghan forces ahead of a planned withdrawal in 2014. "I remain determined that our Afghan national security forces will be responsible for all military and law enforcement operations throughout our country by 2014,” President Karzai told the conference.
• In the first major WikiLeaks on the Afghan war, intelligence reportsaccuse Pakistan of supporting Taliban forces and instructing them to mount attacks on specific targets. According to one report, a former head of its ISI intelligence service ordered militants to “make the snow warm” in Kabul.
• British prime minister became the first major western leader to publicly accuse Pakistan of promoting the “export of terror” during a visit to India. The visit was aimed at increasing trade but his comments sent his popularity soaring. 28 Jul 2010
• Just as it seemed Pakistan’s misery and isolation could get no worse,monsoon floods killed more than 1600, and swept two million people from their homes in what UN officials described as the worst in the organisation’s history. Officials said the floods, which destroyed, homes, bridges, roads, schools, hospitals and croops, were worse than the Tsunami. President Zardari later said the combination of terrorism and dloods threatened Pakistan’s survival.
• The country’s fund-raising efforts were hit however by suspicions of corruption and mismanagement in the distribution of 3.5 billion pounds of aid for the country’s 2005 earthquake appeal.
• India’s growing international reputation was dented during the summer amid allegations of a shoot to kill policy to contain growing protests in Kashmir. An 11 year old boy was among more than 100 protestors killed in three months of clashes with paramilitary police.
• The second parliamentary election following the fall of the Taliban regime was held after a four month delay over security concerns. Fourteen people were killed in Taliban attacks and 20 per cent of the votes were later rejected as fraudulent.
• President Karzai suffers from manic depression but doesn’t always take his medicine, veteran Watergate journalist Bob Woodward revealed in his book Obama’s Wars. The Afghan president later wept when he responded to the claim at a public meeting.
• India’s plans to showcase its new status as a global power by staging the Commonwealth Games suffered a humiliating setback, when national teams threatened to pull out over health and safety fears. Photographs revealed athletes’ buildings were unsafe and floors were covered with human and animal waste. A bridge collapsed days before the Games were due to begin, amid allegations of widespread corruption.
• Relations between Pakistan and the United States deteriorate furtherafter an American helicopter gunship killed several Pakistani border troops. Islamabad closed its border with Afghanistan and stopped deliveries of NATO supplies in protest, forcing Washington to apologise.
• In October, a British aid worker became the latest victim of American friendly fire in Afghanistan. Linda Norgrove, 36, had been kidnapped by Taliban insurgents and was initially thought to have been killed by a suicide bomb, but later inquiries suggested she had died in a failed American rescue mission.
• President Obama gave his blessing to India’s global ambitions during his visit to India, where he backed its campaign for permanent membership of the UN Security Council. He said the relationship between India and the United States’ would be the “defining partnership of the 21st Century.” 08 Nov 2010
• In yet another setback to the war against the Afghan insurgency, British and American officials paid large sums of money to an imposter they believed was a senior Taliban leader. The man posing as Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour turned out to be a small shopkeeper from Quetta.
• December’s WikiLeaks disclosures confirm what had been suspected but never laid out with documentary evidence: While Pakistan secretly allows US drone attacks in its airspace and American troops on its soil, it also supports terrorist groups attacking India and Taliban militants attacking American and British troops in Afghanistan. It has not done enough to secure its nuclear weapon sites from Islamic militants. In Afghanistan, American officials complained President Karzai’s government is corrupt and that he had allowed drug barons to go free.
• Pakistan’s army chief General Kiyani launched a campaign for a power-sharing deal in Afghanistan in which a Taliban faction which harbours al-Qaeda chiefs would be given a key role.
• The year closed on the somber news that Richard Holbrooke, President Obama’s special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, had died. He had been the architect of the Dayton Accord which ended the Balkan conflict and many had hoped he would also find a solution in Afghanistan.


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